Encouragement, a reviewer wrote, is at the heart of
Clarence Bass’ new book. Clarence discovered that he could look as good at 70
as he did much earlier and encourages readers to have the same great
expectations for themselves—at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and beyond. In Great
Expectations, he provides both the example and the science to show that the
body will keep responding to the demands of sensible training far longer than
most people think possible.
You do not have to get weaker and fatter as you age.
Clarence has kept training and challenging himself. You can judge the results
for yourself on our training pictorial page, which show him from 15 to 80.
Vibrant health, fitness, and leanness are there for those
who choose to train, eat, and live well. What’s more, suffering is not required
or even helpful. To be truly successful over the long term you must enjoy your
training, diet and exercise. The details (how and why) are in Great Expectations.
Great Expectations is 163 pages (plus an 11 page
preface), paperback, 9 X 6, 224 pages, $24.95 +$4.60 ($29.55)
media shipping in USA or $24.95 + $9.35 ($34.30) This is the Post
Office priority mail
shipping in USA. For shipping on multiple
items call or e-mail (see below).
New Mexico Book Awards
Recognize Great Expectations
The New Mexico Book Awards is an annual
competition to recognize the best books written or published in or about New
Mexico and the Southwest. In 2008, there were 250 entries from as far away as
New York in 34 categories. After review by at
least 3 of 68 judges, 81 finalists and 37 winners were announced. Great Expectations
was one of three finalists in the Health Book category. The other finalist was
The Stranger Comes at Sundown: Living and Dying with Parkinson's Disease.
The winner was a beautifully designed, full color book called Working Like
Dogs: The Service Dog Guidebook.
We were privileged and pleased to be a
finalist against such worthy competition. The New Mexico Book Co-op called the
competition "extremely stiff."
* * *
For more about Great Expectations, read the reviews
by Becky Holman, wife of Iron Man magazine Editor in Chief Steve Holman, researcher and health psychologist Richard Winett, PhD, and
sports-health-and-fitness writer Greg Sushinsky: GO
What Readers Are Saying
I have always been puzzled as to what made up a serving of fruit, etc.
Thanks to your book it doesn't matter to me any more. Now, I try to eat
mostly vegetables, fruit, and whole grains with protein added instead of
vice versa. I have lost 14 pounds of fat this year, my blood pressure
and cholesterol are good, and my workout schedule has greatly improved.
Thanks you again for the book and its wonderful information. Randy E,
Albuquerque, NM
Bass gives the reader a view into a great, strong positive and healthy
future. Now, for me, being like him at this age is more then a goal – it
is a great vision and I will set all my energy for it! Jürgen Reis,
Austrian Worldcup Sport Climber and Author of the four German sports
books: Das
Peak-Prinzip, Peak Power, Peak-Time and Power-Quest
Great Expectations reveals Clarence's latest insights regarding
eating, training and motivating oneself. With this book, Clarence
continues the tradition he has established of informing and motivating
the trainee with approaches to diet and exercise that really work. Artie
Drechsler, author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia and
President, The Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen
What a great book! Certainly, you have reversed the aging process and
are reaping benefits from it. Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH, Founder of
the Cooper Clinic and co-author of Start Strong, Finish Strong
(Avery, 2007)
Clarence Bass reminds me of Russian health and fitness superstar
academician Nikolay Amosov. The latter's words would have made a great
forward for Great Expectations: “So,
ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the experiment continues! We are
pushing pessimism back. Limits for old men are abolished. Life is a
pretty good thing after all.” Pavel Tsatsouline, author of
Super Joints and Enter the Kettlebell!
Great Expectations is an outstanding source of information on health,
fitness and leanness. Most importantly it's all sensible information,
and this veteran of the bodybuilding community has found much "new"
information....Vic Boff would certainly have given it his highest
endorsement. Your friend, Tom Minichiello
Your new book gave me less of what I had expected
(details and specifics) and more of what I needed (motivation,
encouragement, philosophy). I am preparing to get into the best shape of my
life as I approach 50 (in 2009); reading your book is part of this process.
I'm looking forward to 2028, when at age 90 you write "Pretty Much What I
Expected." Jeff Wiese
Overall, I think the book is
great, has some excellent new info, new experiences which become mine and
provoke new thinking, training etc, and further solidify your reputation as
a gold standard in health and fitness.
The cover photo is artistically
brilliant and provocative...not in terms of the nudity but the juxtaposition
of the shadow, the highly developed body, sense of age and reflection in
your expression....provokes a lot of thinking....that photo in black and
white could win an award. Wade Smith, M.D., Orthopaedic surgeon
I was amazed how much I learned by
reading this book even after my over forty years in the Iron Game.
Especially how to live a longer healthier life and retain strength without
suffering through long strenuous workouts. Your advice on prostate health and
overcoming all the problem associated with hip surgery was priceless. I even
placed an order for a Glute-Ham Developer after reading about your
experience with it. In my opinion this book should be on the
shelf of every trainee, young and old. Osmo Kiika, Publisher of The Iron
Great Expectations Book:
USA shipping only: $24.95 + $9.35 ($34.30) USPO priority shipping;
or $24.95 + 4.60 ($29.55) media shipping; New Mexico
residents must add tax. Please call or write for
If you have questions before ordering, or would like to order this book in
combination with others, please call 1-505-266-5858
or e-mail :
Questions about Great Expectations
If you are interested in
seeing the prices on all the books offered by our company go to
the ORDERING page
Ripped Enterprises, P.O. Box 51236, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87181-1236
street address: 528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108,
Phone or FAX (505)
266-5858, e-mail: cncbass@aol.com ,
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8-5, Mountain time.
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